Virtuozzo Logo

We provide an elastic WordPress hosting platform for cloud providers, hosts, and digital agencies. Give your customers (and their customers) the experience they demand and the results they need by making WordPress fast, resilient, scalable, and secure.  

Running on on-premises bare metal or virtualized infrastructure or in public clouds, the Virtuozzo WordPress platform enables easy deployment of everything from a standalone WordPress instance to multi-region, multi-cloud WordPress clusters with WooCommerce, ready to go. 

Want more? Head to https://virtuozzo.com/application-platform-for-WordPress  

Virtuozzo & Open Source 

Virtuozzo software enables IaaS, PaaS, and XaaS for service providers by combining the best of open source, hyperconverged infrastructure, and our own technologies. We also developed OpenVZ, an open-source container virtualization platform; VzLinux, one of the most frequently updated Linux distros; and we’re active contributors to QEmu, KVM, OpenStack, Docker, Libvirt, and the Linux kernel, among other projects. 

WordCamp US 2022 is over. Check out the next edition!