Tamsin Davis-Langley

Tamsin Davis-Langley

Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island, USA

More about Tamsin Davis-Langley: Tamsin Davis-Langley

Tamsin Davis-Langley is a Happiness Engineer with WordPress.com. She was born in the early Seventies, which makes her the same age as the kids in Stranger Things. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island, USA with her polymath superhero wife and two adorably demonic cats. She has a degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies from the University of Washington. Her past professional hijinks include technical writing, administrative sorcery in healthcare, tutoring university students on the importance of the Oxford comma, and playing electric guitar while bouncing on a trampoline. The first computer she used to get online was a Commodore 64, and she wrote her first website in HTML 2 using Notepad. She likes things much better now.