Daniel Schutzmith

Daniel Schutzmith

Twitter: @schutzsmith
Hometown: Tampa, Florida, USA

More about Daniel Schutzmith: Daniel Schutzmith

Daniel Schutzsmith is a rare breed – a hybrid of equal parts design, code, strategy, and management. He’s devoted his career to making positive change to protect our world for generations to come!

Currently, Daniel is the Website and Digital Project Manager for Pinellas County Government, creating websites and interactive experiences to help the public get the information they need easily and intuitively.

When not working, he enjoys giving back his time to the WordPress community as a WordCamp organizer (WCUS 23, WCUS 22, WCUS 20, WC Miami 2020, WC NYC 2018), a Meetup organizer (New Port Richey WordPress Meetup), and a Producer at The WP Minute while also building several side projects.

After all of that, in his free time, he enjoys walking in the fresh air, coding by the pool, drinking craft non-alcoholic beer, and hanging out with his family.