Breann McDede

Breann McDede

Twitter: @breannmcdede
Hometown: Austin, TX

More about Breann McDede: Breann McDede

Her name might be Breann, but everyone calls her Bre (and you should, too)! She has been involved in the WordPress Community for five years, and finds herself loving it more and more as the years go by. Bre has taken on the roles of organizer, volunteer, speaker, and sponsor at dozens of WordCamps, and is a proud member of the WCUS 2023 Lead Sextet.

By day, Bre is the Community & Social Media Manager for Automattic brands, including and Tumblr. By night, she waters her 150+ houseplants, cuddles with her two cats, plays video games with friends, and watches movies with her partner. Oh, and she loves ice cream. Like, she loves it so much that it’s a personality trait. You should get ice cream with Bre.