David Dashifen Kees

David Dashifen Kees

By day, David Dashifen Kees (they/them) is a mild-mannered software developer working on Georgetown University’s web services team. By night, they’re essentially the same thing, except asleep. Dash has degrees in computer science, education, and divinity that they leverage to treat their technical career as something more like a service opportunity, an outlook that has served them well in their 20+ year career at various universities.

Involved with WordPress since version 3.0 (when the multi-site capabilities were merged into core), Dash’s focus has been on plugin development for most of their career, and they’ve considered it their quest to make it possible to utilize WordPress in a modern, object-oriented way that is very different from the way many WordPress developers do their work. Recently, their work at Georgetown University has included a lot of process scripting, what some folks call DevOps or WebOps. They’re for the Alliance, use two spaces after a period, and you can pry the Oxford comma from their cold, dead hands.
