The Headless Block Editor

Sean Blakeley

The maturing and widespread adoption of the Block Editor has coincided with the growth of headless WordPress.

The Block Editor provides an unrivalled WYSIWYG experience – where content teams can provide richer, more creative content for their end-users. Headless provides unrivalled performance and provides a great Developer experience (DXP).

But until now, they have rarely come together. Headless often means a huge compromise for content creation teams – requiring a ‘leap of faith’ – where the display settings are abstracted into a few meta fields in the backend. Creativity and flexibility are constrained and they’ve been left behind by the WYSIWYG revolution.

No longer. We’re going to look at a major enterprise project ( where we build the ‘Block Editor Bridge’ – where the Block Editor feeds directly into UI Components in the frontend app. We’ll look at new, exciting initiatives from VIP and WPEngine and how you can implement the same approach in your next project.

The Headless Block Editor is the new gold standard – the best backend and frontend experience – and it’s here.

