WordCamp US is a huge event where people from all around gather to chat about everything WordPress. It’s exciting, but for some, all the crowds and non-stop chatting can be tiring or overwhelming. To help everyone make the most of their WordCamp experience, this year we’re introducing interaction badges!
Interaction badges help us share our communication preferences and let others know when we are, or are not, ready to start or hold conversations.
The pin that is currently visible is the active badge. The default is green 🟢 if no pin is displayed. If you see someone wearing a yellow 🟡 or red 🔴 pin, please respect their wishes. Individuals may display a different badge from moment to moment, as their interaction needs may change from moment to moment.
Here’s what the pins look like and what they mean:
Come Talk To Me

A person wearing a green circle pin is actively seeking interaction. They may have trouble initiating conversations, but it’s okay to come up and start a conversation with them.
Do I Know You?

A person wearing a yellow diamond pin only wants to talk to people they recognize. Unless you’ve met this person face-to-face before, please don’t start a conversation with them. If they start talking to you, you’re welcome to talk back with them.
Not Right Now

A person wearing a red square badge does not want anyone to talk to them. They may approach others to talk, in which case it’s okay to respond. Unless you have been told otherwise, please don’t start interacting with them.
Thanks to Stimpunks Foundation (stimpunks.org) for sharing this resource.