Please note: Since this post was published, WordCamp US released another round of tickets. Some tickets are still available. Get them while you can!
May 30, 2023 – WordCamp US’ (WCUS) regular admission tickets are currently sold out. The lead organizing team is not sure whether (or when) we’ll release additional tickets. If we do so, we’ll publicly announce it in advance.
Here’s the context: We have budgeted for 1,750 WCUS attendees, but currently have 2,000 registrations. This number includes tickets that are reserved for volunteers, organizers, speakers and sponsors. WCUS charges $50 for a regular ticket, however the real cost per person is $750. Thus every additional ticket sold beyond the first 1,750 adds $700 to our budget. To stay within our budget, we need to carefully manage any additional ticket releases.
That said, we really want as many people as possible to be able to attend WordCamp US this year, and the Sponsors team is hard at work to raise funds so that our budget can accommodate as many attendees as possible! Venue space is not a limiting factor.
The good news is that the Call for Volunteers is still open (volunteers receive a free ticket to WCUS) [update: the Call for Volunteers is now closed]; and as people’s plans change and they request a refund, their ticket will be released back into the general pool for someone else to buy. Additionally, Micro-Sponsor tickets remain available to purchase, as this ticket price reflects the actual cost to attend.
Thanks very much for your patience! We hope to have good news to share in the future.