Announcing Our Speakers Round 6

Spearker Announcement Round 6 speaker photos

Please welcome our final round of speakers for WordCamp US 2019 in St. Louis, MO. We will begin announcing our workshop presenters later this week.

If you haven’t already, buy your tickets or consider becoming a volunteer and getting a free ticket.

Previously announced speakers: Round OneRound TwoRound Three, Round Four, Round Five.

Please welcome today’s newly announced speakers.

  • Jeffrey Paul

    Open Source Practice Manager at 10up. WordPress 4.7 release deputy, 4.8 release co-lead, 4.9 release deputy. Tide product maintainer. Founder of Race For Vets.

    Presentation Title: Contributing to Core, No Coding Necessary

    Twitter: @jeffpaul

  • Muhammad Muhsin

    Muhammad is a full stack engineer from sunny Sri Lanka who has been working with WordPress and React for over three years. He works as React Developer at rtCamp – the only WordPress VIP agency in Asia. He is the Lead Developer of the GatsbyWPThemes project. He is also a writer and expert reviewer at Smashing Magazine. He loves reading, travelling and photography.

    Presentation Title: Using WordPress With Static Site Generators

    Twitter: @muhsinlk

  • Pam Aungst

    Pam is the owner of Pam Ann Marketing and Stealth™ Search and Analytics. Both specialize in SEO, PPC, and analytics. She is a passionate advocate for WordPress and regularly gives talks at WordCamps around the country about SEO, Google Analytics, and business topics. Pam also has a personal mission to talk openly about mental health and the importance of taking care of oneself in order to survive and thrive at work and at home.

    Say hello to Pam on Twitter @pamannmarketing and visit her website at

    Presentation Title: Technical SEO auditing and optimizations

    Twitter: @PamAnnMarketing

  • Tracy Apps

    Behind the bowtie, Tracy Apps (@tapps ) is a big-picture doer, a developer, a designer, a translator…a UX creator. For Tracy, UX is about so much more than “making pretty buttons.” With over 20 years of web development experience, including work with Fortune 500 companies, Tracy’s curiosity and love of problem solving has led her into many amazing opportunities. She has taught web development, design, and UX at several universities (including UW-Milwaukee, her alma mater) and is a nationally-renown public speaker. Most recently, Tracy co-launched the podcast Women in WP. Tracy is a drummer, bow-tie aficionado (obviously), and she could probably deadlift you if given the opportunity.

    Presentation Title: Is something not very usable or accessible? Change it!

    Twitter: @tapps

You don’t want to miss out on WordCamp US 2019! There will be speakers, workshops, childcare, an incredible sponsor hall, the annual WordFest party, and more. Get your tickets to WordCamp US today!