September 17-20, 2024

Call for Speakers

If you’d like to propose multiple topics, please submit the form multiple times, once for each topic. Please see our guidelines for submissions.

We’re expecting hundreds of submissions, so please make sure to describe how your talk will benefit WordCamp US attendees and what may set it apart from other submissions on the same topic.

Before submitting your speaker proposal, please log in to using your account*.

If you don’t have an account, please create one.

* This is your account for the official website, rather than your personal WordPress site.


Talk type (required)

Important: Read the format descriptions.

Is this your first time being a speaker at a WordPress event?

WordCamp US is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our speaker lineup. To help us achieve this goal, we invite you to share some information about yourself. Please know that providing this information is completely optional and will be kept confidential, accessible only to the WordCamp US organizing team.

Do you identify as a member of any underrecognized group(s)?