WordCamp US Expanding Its Team: Apply Today

November 2019 marks the 5th year for WordCamp US. Like many events, WordCamp US is evolving over time. Over the past year we’ve thought a lot about suggestions from the community and lessons learned from past events.

In our after-event recaps, two of the things that became immediately clear were that WordCamp US needed to move its dates and to increase its team members.

Photo Credit: Robin Cornett

With our new dates we are able to have the chance at nicer weather, and avoid a multitude of logistical difficulties that arose from running an event right after the US Thanksgiving holiday. 

Increasing staff was another important detail. WordCamp US, like all WordCamps, is run by volunteers. Organizing such a large event requires a lot of time and effort, and we want to both respect and balance our volunteers’ contributions for an event of this scale.

Photo Credit: Jen Hooks

This year, we have not only increased staff, but we have also redefined roles to more evenly distribute the workload. Besides the local team, that has a wealth of knowledge of all things St. Louis, we are adding seasoned WordCamp organizers from the US and beyond to assist. 

The experience, that current or former WordCamp organizers bring, can help us in so many ways to make this a great event for the community. There is something for everyone, whether you love crunching numbers and working on a budget, refining the catering menu to meet all dietary needs, working on design for a memorable website and swag, and so much more. If you care about creating an incredible, memorable experience for our community, please check out the various team and role descriptions on our Call for Organizers page.

Photo Credit: Robin Cornett

If you live in the Western Hemisphere, please consider joining us. We are accepting applications for additional team members through Monday, February 25, 2019. If you are a current or former WordCamp organizer, please consider applying.

If you have questions before applying, we would be happy to answer them. Please use our contact form, and let us know. We hope to get back to all applicants by mid-March.