WordCamp US is the premier North American event for web professionals

Inactiv.com Media Solutions Pvt Ltd

WP Remote automates all WordPress maintenance tasks in one dashboard. Manage 100s of sites with these features:

  • Complete WordPress security suite with a firewall, login protection and bot protection
  • Bulletproof backups that don’t overload your site
  • Seamless migrations without downtime
  • Integrated staging sites for development and debugging
  • Scheduled automatic updates
  • Clean up any malware in minutes with a single click
  • Client reports and white-label features

With WP Remote, we have set out to solve the biggest challenge agencies face: how to scale when you are stuck fixing maintenance problems. Now, with security, backups, updates, migration and more in a single control panel, agencies can focus on more important tasks that can grow business.

For instance, a hacked site takes several days to clean up. A server crash can mean that an entire website is wiped out in minutes. Admins don’t apply updates for months for the fear of breaking sites, thereby leaving their sites open to malware. WP Remote takes care of all these hassles, freeing up hundreds of hours every month.

WP Remote is a proud member of the WordPress community, and we are thrilled to sponsor WordCamp US.