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Custom WordPress Solutions for Educational Initiatives


Up against a challenge you don’t think WordPress can solve? Think again. WordPress functionality can be leveraged for so much more than blog posts. This talk will feature case studies on a wide variety of projects built in WordPress for the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE). In the past three years, Georgia established a community-focused site for statewide education staff using a strategic set of plugins and custom modifications within WordPress to produce the functionality needed. Once that site was launched, it opened the door for multiple additional WordPress sites under the GaDOE umbrella, including continuing education events for staff across the state, a menu builder with state-approved recipes for cafeteria staff, and rebuilding the main GaDOE site using a headless WordPress setup with Next.js. 

Key takeaways will include out-of-the-box perspectives for utilizing WordPress infrastructure in large-scale initiatives for enterprise and public sector clients. Extend the functionality of WordPress to build next-level sites, custom functionality, and mobile applications that will save your clients thousands when compared to other types of custom development. This will be a co-speaking engagement with Aaron Reimann of Clockwork WP and Dr. Keith Osborn, Chief Information Officer of GaDOE.

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