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From Bottlenecks to Breakthroughs: How the New York Post Mastered Scalability

Linnea Huxford

In this technical session, we dive into the challenges and solutions for managing a high-traffic, large-scale WordPress site. With a history of 11 years on WordPress, handling 10 million posts, and 38,000 terms, The New York Post has been a testing ground for scalability. In this talk, Linnea will share her strategies for managing WordPress at the enterprise level, demonstrating how minor adjustments can lead to significant enhancements in site responsiveness and stability.

Attendees will learn about the architecture of the Gutenberg block-based site that has successfully handled millions of daily visitors and vast amounts of content. Linnea will detail her approach to identifying and resolving bottlenecks, implementing ongoing optimization techniques, and showcasing how tools such as New Relic and the Xdebug profiler can be pivotal in this process.

The session will cover:

– Practical profiling and monitoring setups to pinpoint issues before they become critical.
– Architectural decisions that support scalability and resiliency, particularly under the duress of traffic spikes.
– Optimization techniques that Linnea has personally implemented to significantly reduce response times with minimal code changes.
– Advanced caching strategies using the object cache and static variables.

This talk is tailored for developers and technical leads who manage high-traffic WordPress sites or are looking to scale any size platform efficiently. Join Linnea to explore how strategic thinking around scalability can transform the way you approach WordPress development.

Linnea Huxford