WordCamp US is the premier North American event for web professionals

Creating Client-Friendly Editing Experiences

Kristin Falkner

When building WordPress websites, the front-end presentation, back-end functionality, and visitor experience seem to always take priority. But what about the editing experience for website owners and managers — the people who must work within the websites we build? Their experience using WordPress, completing website-related tasks, and managing their website content affects not only how they feel about their website and the partner who built it but also WordPress as a platform.

As WordPress professionals, it’s our job to set clients up for success, empower them to fully use their websites, and ensure the highest levels of satisfaction. This means being intentional throughout the strategy, design, and build process, to simplify their workflows, prioritize ease and speed, and optimize for their editing experiences.

In this session, we’ll look at key questions to ask clients upfront to better understand who will be interacting with the CMS and what tasks they will need to complete, as well as which WordPress editing options best align with their preferences and needs, and which nightmare combinations to avoid. You’ll also gain insight into considerations for your client education and offboarding processes to make sure you equip clients to thrive as website owners.

Kristin Falkner

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