WordCamp US is the premier North American event for web professionals

Everything and Anything Content Marketing

Emma Young

Location: WordCamp US Lounge

The problem with traditional sessions and workshops + content marketing is it usually isn’t relatable to every participant that joins. Sometimes, they are more into technical SEO, or content creation, or just starting off. The Campfire session (first of all sounds really cool) is the perfect setup for the discussion I want to have.

For those who don’t work directly with content marketing – it tends to be a bit harder to see the ROI 😀 It’s not paid marketing, it’s not fast, and it’s often hard to justify or predict outcomes. But there is a strategy, there are tips and tricks, and there are SOPs and action plans that can help you be on top of things. But let’s through Google and the oh-so-fun, core updates into the mix. Now what? After the AI boom, the algo updates have been volatile, to say the least; why is this URL increasing, but this one decreasing? Why am I being outranked by Quora and Reddit? Now what?

I want to have a discussion about content marketing (in general) with no set agenda on if we talk about content strategy, content creation, content distribution, SEO, audience engagement, analytics, goals and measurement, and content repurposing. If we cover all those topics? Awesome. If we end up only going into one, but its because we are all scared about the Core Update that is going to happen either during or right after WCUS? Also awesome.

We all have different experiences, different successes and failures, and what better way to dive deeper into that conversation, help each other out, and hopefully learn something new to try then in a safe place like WordCamp.

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