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Building a Customer Success Team

Michelle Frechette

In 2018, one of the early Customer Success Departments in WordPress was started with one person, added to a team of nine developers and support techs. This tenth employee was viewed with some skepticism and a “let’s see how it goes” outlook.

Within the first month, that new hire started phoning new customers. And thus disrupted the way that plugin companies interact with their users.

From that first phone call in January 2018 to present day, customer success teams have influenced sales, and more importantly, satisfaction – resulting in less churn, great reviews, and customers who feel confident in using plugin software.

This talk will narrate the history of the triumphs, mistakes, and (sometimes) accidental steps and missteps that have taken them from one person with a phone to entire teams of change agents determined to help customers succeed.

Michelle Frechette

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