WordCamp US is the premier North American event for web professionals


Google is here to help the WordPress community be successful on the web with tools & initiatives for everyone. We believe that WordPress is one of the key enablers of an open, thriving, and rich web ecosystem. Our goal is to help everyone succeed on the web by improving the performance, security, and capabilities of millions of WordPress-powered sites.

Be sure to visit Google’s booth in the WCUS Sponsor Hall. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with Google experts as they provide practical guidance on Google tools that support WordPress users. Check out Site Kit, our official WordPress plugin, or learn about the latest updates from the Performance team. Hear the latest news on thePrivacy Sandbox initiative and don’t forget to bring your questions to our resident SearchGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Tag Manager and Reader Revenue Manager experts. 

We are truly thrilled to be joining you all in Portland to provide practical guidance and support, while offering up-to-date advice on helping your sites and projects succeed with the best that Google has to offer for the Open Web!