The Meta Team is responsible for maintaining and managing WordPress.org websites. Their work is mostly done on the Meta Trac.
loop into moreThe Meta Team is responsible for maintaining and managing WordPress.org websites. Their work is mostly done on the Meta Trac.
loop into moreThink of the TV Team as your opportunity to join a major production! The TV Team reviews and approves every video submitted to WordPress.tv. They also help WordCamps with video post-production and are responsible for the captioning and subtitling of published videos. Reviewing videos is a great way to learn about WordPress and help the community: experience is not required to get involved.
loop into moreThe Training Team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in a live workshop environment. If you enjoy teaching people how to use and build stuff for WordPress, then join this team!
loop into moreThe Plugin Review Team acts as gate-keepers and fresh eyes on newly submitted plugins, as well as reviewing any reported security or guideline violations.
loop into moreThe Test team patrols flow across the entire WordPress ecosystem on every device we have at hand. They test, document, and report on the WordPress user experience. Through continuous dogfooding and visual records, they understand not only what is wrong, but also what is right. They immerse themselves in the context of what they are making and champion user experience.
loop into moreWP-CLI is the official command line tool for interacting with and managing your WordPress sites.
loop into moreIf you love WordPress and think that more people should be using it, then join the Marketing Team to help spread the word! This team shares WordPress and the WordPress community to the wider world, aiming to keep informed on how the platform is perceived in the community and how it could be improved.
loop into moreTide is a series of automated tests that is run against every plugin and theme in the directory and then displays PHP compatibility and test errors/warnings in the directory.
Loop Into MoreCommunity spans many areas of the WordPress ecosystem, including speaker workshops, WordCamps, Meetups, and more. Those interested in contributing to the Community Team may help in many areas, including official events, mentorship programs, diversity initiatives, contributor outreach, and other ways of growing our community.
loop into moreWordCamp US 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!