Tantek Çelik

Tantek Çelik

Tantek Çelik has been active in open web standards innovation, development, and advocacy for over 20 years. He is currently Web Standards Lead at Mozilla, community leader of indieweb.org & microformats.org, and participates in the World Wide Consortium (W3C) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group. 

He is the author of HTML5 Now: A Step-By-Step Tutorial for Getting Started Today (New Riders: 2010). He co-edited the W3C Recommendations CSS 2.1, CSS3 Color, & CSS3 UI, co-founded GMPG, BarCamp, IndieWeb.org, and was Chief Technologist at Technorati. 

Tantek lives in San Francisco, and has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University, as well as a strong background in human interface and user-centered design from his many years at Apple Computer. He shares his thoughts at tantek.com.
