Felix Arntz

Felix Arntz

Felix is a WordPress freelancer based in Germany, where he has been implementing client solutions and plugins for several years now. He is a Back-end developer with a major focus on Multisite environments.

Aside from occasionally creating open-source plugins to give back to the WordPress project, he is also involved in core development, where he has been a component maintainer for Multisite and Post Thumbnails for awhile, and he became a committer in late 2016.

When he is not doing WordPress stuff, Felix spends his time producing music, playing the piano, and playing soccer. He does all of that while drinking a lot of Mountain Dew.

Twitter: @FelixArntz 

Felix’s Slides: https://slides.leaves-and-love.net/contributing-to-wordpress-core-wcus-2017/#/ 


WordCamp US 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!