Sponsor Spotlight: Jetpack

We want to thank Jetpack for being a Commonwealth sponsor at WordCamp US.


Our sponsors make it possible to continue bringing these educational, community-supporting, and entertaining conferences to cities and towns all over the world. The support of sponsors like Jetpack allow us to keep ticket prices low so the event is accessible to all. Sponsors like these give back to the free and open source WordPress project through their awesome support of the WordPress Community and WordCamps.

Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools. More information can be found at jetpack.com.