We are happy to announce that WordCamp US will be fully accessible to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing via Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) live captioning and American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters.
Captions will be projected to the main screen in every presentation room and ASL interpreters will be provided on request. The Livestream will also have captions available.
ASL Interpreters may be requested via the General Admission Ticket registration form.
Videos from WCUS will immediately have captions when they are posted to WordPress.tv.
In addition to helping people with any level of hearing loss, captions also make presentations more accessible to folks whose first language is not English and can improve comprehension and retention of content for all viewers.
Accessibility is a priority in The WordPress Community. For WordCamp US, we made a commitment to make the event as accessible as possible with the hope of setting a new standard for all WordCamps.
Thank you to the Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre for helping us implement these services.